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The Girl You Left Behind

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

From the writer of Me before You comes another beautiful romance novel that will tug at your heart strings! Jojo Moyes has whipped up yet another enthralling novel that captures your attention from the very beginning and hauls you through a love story, two fold, seamlessly shifting from one time period to the other.

Synopsis (spoiler free)

Sophie Lèfevre, in the war torn and 1916 France, whose husband, Èdouard, has left her behind, to fight at the front lines, when her town falls under the german soldiers’ siege. Forced to serve them every evening, she does everything in her power to protect her family and the portrait her husband, had so lovingly painted of her.

Centuries apart, yet simultaneously carried out by Moyes, Liv Halston, in modern day London, is widowed when her husband, David, dies suddenly after their marriage, leaving her behind with all of his property, which happens to include a painting of Sophie Lefèvre, painted with love and tenderness. But the painting has a dark past and as the history of the painting is peeled away, layer by layer, Liv’s whole world is upturned.

Follow their journey as they both battle fear, pain, grief and betrayal.

This book had such a different take on love and its complications. It painted strong and brave woman who can stand up for their own rights and take hold of their bearings themselves. Beautifully written, The Girl You Left Behind is a must read for all romance book lovers!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

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