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Teach, Love, Inspire

“Teach to love and teach to inspire,

Love to teach and love to inspire,

Inspire to teach and inspire to love.”

In today’s times, parents focus on teaching their kids the fastest to earn money, or the easiest way to get into a good job, and even though such things are vital for modern society, they are forgetful of the wisdom that actually needs to inspire their children, love. It could be love for your work, profession, spouse, kids, teachers, elderly, relatives, nature and the list goes on. However, people don’t find it mandatory to explain such things as they are taken to be of little importance.

Teachers these days are also more focused on academics rather than character building and social etiquette for which schools are the best foundation. Students are taught more about what colleges require, rather than to inspire. In this fast paced world, we need to surround ourselves with more understanding and wisdom rather than being engrossed in only what’s around us.

Your actions are probably taking a toll on someone’s physical, mental and emotional well-being without you even realizing it. If you’re reading this your probably old enough to understand the difference between good and bad. Like we said in our “self-love in quarantine” post, be sure to pick a bad habit of yours and make use of this perfect, sadly unfortunate, time to correct it, because you never know how it could change another person’s life and that could change an entire generation to come.

Aspire to teach, love and inspire

Don’t forget to drop a comment on what you’re planning to change about yourself this quarantine season.

Stay safe loves 💖

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